social media marketing firm in London

Every business wants to become a benchmark on social media and that does seem appropriate with marketing slowly taking over a digital persona! We cant simply say that the older tangible forms of marketing have lost their game, but they are slowly losing their footing!

With different trends arriving in the social media calendar on a regular basis, content requires a lot of attention with every kind of effort being put in by every social media marketing firm in London and the rest of the world. Content somehow has a huge effect on the marketing campaign and that is quite obvious! A campaign, when run with the right target audience in mind, would not bring in the expected leads if the content isn’t interesting or engaging.  Whereas an organic post with extremely engaging content can end up getting more leads than a paid campaign even if it is run by any market leader.  

Content can be further broken down into organic and paid, which seems quite simple but still needs an explanation. Organic content is content that hasn’t been paid for and won’t be circulated outside the inner circle, whereas paid content marketing involves ads that are payable

Paid content flashes the posted content specifically to the target group involving people who have never heard of your business and carry the potential of reading it and relating to it. A very simple example for the same would be an E-commerce store selling knee bands. The paid ads that they run would be aired and flashed to the crowd that is more likely to suffer from knee problems. These ads would reach the crowds that are on the older side and/or the working-class people. What this basically does is that instead of following a more trial and error method, this becomes a bit more definitive with a higher percentage of confirmed results!

This is as far as E-commerce is related to, but when tangible businesses are involved, the impact is completely different! The psychological impact that a person experiences when they find something that they need, with the separate secondary impact of the product being in their vicinity, triggers that particular mechanism that is mainly responsible for lead conversion.

That is the main aim when content comes into play. Social media marketing firms in London and all across the globe carry the same motto, psychologically engaging the customer and guiding them to click and convert! 

Content has one of the biggest roles in the growth of social media marketing as everything originated around organic content. Social media at one point in time had organic content only and the idea of using it as a marketing tool was quite obvious and brilliant!  

Social media marketing firms in London like Kiwek strategically deal in organic content posting to generate a strong circle, which then helps in spreading the paid ads at a faster rate. Almost every social media marketing agency doesn’t dive straight into paid ads and rather does a trial run of organic ads with highly engaging content to circle out the customer persona that will be the most compatible with the product or service that the client business is dealing with.

A recent study showed the increasing trend of video content marketing and that the latest means to high engagement are video reels and short informative videos. The psychology behind videos affecting more has high relations with the pandemic that the world was going through but at the end of the day, engagement is what matters the most here. A video pitch with a killer hook would definitely prevent a person from closing the video.

With such trends coming at an incredible pace, we at Kiwek happen to be the only social media marketing firm in London, to have successfully incorporated every new trend in our journey to get leads! Expertizing in lead generation and digital marketing, Kiwek interactive believes in delivering results regardless of the hurdles in the way

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